Remarketing as a sale strategy

Every brand we know is constantly looking for a place in our minds in the process of gaining market share, but maybe there is one very useful strategy that not many are aware of: remarketing.

This technique might as well is the perfect sales strategy to reach more customers, increase the brand’s visibility and grow your business. 

What is remarketing?

Have you ever seen advertising for a product or service right after visiting their website? Your smartphone isn’t reading your mind. Instead, this is what’s called remarketing: to push for a purchase after interest has been shown.

The remarketing technique’s purpose is to turn a visitor into a customer using more carefully targeted advertising to get their attention and obtain a reaction.

For example, if a person has visited a website but didn’t complete a purchase, remarketing makes it possible to reach that user and remind them the product they were interested in is still available, or give them other attractive offers.
When it’s executed at the right time, remarketing will get the sale.

How does it work?

All of this happens is through a simple code on your website. This code will track the user and your remarketing ad service will find the correct time to deliver advertisements from your own website.

The following 4 steps detail a remarketing operation:

  • A user accesses a web page.
  • Internally, the user is marked with a cookie.
  • That user is added to a remarketing list.
  • A Google Adwords Display campaign starts using the remarketing list.

Why is it important to include remarketing in your sales strategy?

  • Personalized purchase tracking: It doesn’t matter if the goal is to reach users who are on different buying cycles or have different interests. You can take advantage of the personalization that the remarketing lists offer and also avoid wasting time and money in an audience that is not of your interest.
  • Extended scope: Both the Google Display Network and the Facebook Ads Network have more than two million web pages and applications, which is a truly impressive number. It’s possible to reach users interested in a brand wherever they are.
  • Brand recognition: How many times have you visited a website and then immediately forgotten about it? Remarketing ensures that a brand remains in the memory of its visitors and potential customers and to gradually increase its relationship with them, as long as it suits the stage of the purchase process in which they are.
  • Adaptability to marketing objectives: Whatever the objectives are, the databases can be adapted.
  • Increase in conversions. This tool allows you to reach users who have already shown interest in the brand, which increases the chances that they will notice and click on advertisement.

Platforms to improve your ads campaign

Not all brands are able to create great and effective remarketing campaigns by themselves. There are various platforms that help brands exploit this strategy to its full potential. 


Google possesses an enormous ad network, along with various other products to insert ads in. With a Google Adwords account, you can easily create a remarketing campaign and have it reach Google’s userbase


Adroll is a famous tool that can market ads using other platforms such as Google, Yahoo, Facebook, and Microsoft. It has advertising partners and is a great alternative for marketers and community managers.

Perfect Audience

Perfect audience is a great alternative to work with. Owing to their low budget acceptance and compatibility with e-commerce solutions, Perfect Audience is ideal for small business to increase their sales revenue.

How to monitor your remarketing process

This is the part where you actually get results from your marketing strategy. When you are spending money on any kind of advertising, it is important to know how to monitor your progress.

There are a number of parameters that can clearly indicate the success of your remarketing campaign:

  • CTR: (Click Through Rate) Its calculated with number of times an advertisement is clicked divided by the number of views. It is represented as a percentage.
  • CPC: (Cost Per Click) Total budget spent divided by total number of clicks on your ads. This will show how good your advertising is comparing the cost with the utility.
  • eCPM: (effective Cost Per Thousand) total earning divided by the total number of impressions. The number is then multiplied by one thousand. This can be helpful when you have a mix of ads.
  • eCPA: (effective Cost Per Acquisition) Campaign served is divided by the total number of views and multiplied by CTR & the conversion rate. One of the key benefits of eCPA is that advertisers only pay when a specific action takes place.
  • ROI: Return on Investment: Gain from the investment minus your cost of investment. It is the economic value generated as a result of performing different marketing activities.

4  Examples of  remarketing Strategies 

1. Make a variation between text and images on the ads

By doing so, it ensures your ad is eligible to show on every Google Ad network site you need. In other words, it optimizes your message’s reach and will allow you to follow your website visitor more.

2. Bid more on conversion abandons 

You know a visitor is more interested in your products if they’ve added them to the shopping cart.. 

As soon as they’ve left, it’s time to keep reminding those lost leads to come on back and continue their conversion process.

3. Offer discounts to repeat visitors

The idea of offering coupons and discounts never gets old. Someone who has visited your online store and has clicked through to a particular product page is likely very interested in purchasing that item. For whatever reason, they abandon the landing page and leave the sales funnel. This is the perfect moment to offer a special coupon just for them. They will be more likely to come back to end the purchase and continue visiting the store.

4. A/B Testing

A/B testing helps you monitor your views, CTR and conversions of your campaign through comparison of similar but slightly different ads.  Therefore, you can analyze how effective it is and change variables to get the desired results.

By testing your ads, you can increase your ROI without throwing all your money on campaigns that aren’t reaching the potential consumer.

Domestika: a case example

Domestika is a creative community that offers paid courses and tutorials on different topics such as marketing, photography, illustration and business strategies. 

This website knows how to keep their users interested by introducing remarketing ads on social networks from previous searches and interests.

Domestika remarketing in facebook ads:


As you can see, remarketing is a key tool for web advertisers. Be sure to include it in your next ad campaign!

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Aviso de Privacidad

ADN DIFERENTE S.A DE C.V., con domicilio en Colonia Montecristo calle 12 entre 5 Y 9 Mérida, Yucatán, México, reconocen la importancia del tratamiento legítimo, controlado e informado de los datos personales del Titular y, en particular ADN DIFERENTE S.A DE C.V., es la persona moral que representa a la marca comercial Endor, que recaba y conserva los datos personales que en este acto usted, como Titular, de manera voluntaria proporciona a efecto de que: (i) usted esté en posibilidad de celebrar un contrato con el Responsable y para efecto de cumplir con todas las obligaciones que de ahí se desprenden, (ii) procesar su alta como proveedor o cliente, modificarla o desbloquearla, (iii) realizar cotizaciones o solicitar facturas, (iv) llevar un control de contratos, (v) aprobar el alta, modificación, extensión, desbloqueo y cambio a las condiciones de pago, (vi) elaborar y revisar contratos. Los datos personales que obtengamos serán tratados de manera confidencial por el Responsable, y (vii) recibir información y contenido vía correo electrónico de su interés, como por ejemplo artículos, videos, newsletter, etc., en caso de que el Titular lo haya solicitado.

Los datos que se le recaban en este acto permanecerán en posesión del Responsable durante todo el tiempo que permanezca la relación comercial con usted como Proveedor o Cliente del Responsable y aún, hasta 5 años siguientes a la terminación de la misma por cualquier causa. Una vez concluido ese periodo, sus datos serán bloqueados y suprimidos sin que el Responsable conserve copia o registro de los mismos. Durante ese tiempo Usted puede pedir al Responsable mediante el envío de un correo electrónico a el tener Acceso y/o Rectificar, Cancelar u Oponerse al tratamiento que se les da a los mismos, mediante solicitud respecto de las cuales el Responsable se obliga a responder en los términos de la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares (“Ley”). El Responsable dará respuesta a sus solicitudes, siempre y cuando no se actualice alguna de las excepciones contenidas en la Ley, y el solicitante cumpla con los requisitos contenidos en el artículo 29 de la Ley que se describen a continuación:

  1. El nombre del titular y domicilio u otro medio para comunicarle la respuesta a su solicitud;
  2. Los documentos que acrediten la identidad o, en su caso, la representación legal del titular;
  3. La descripción clara y precisa de los datos personales respecto de los que se busca ejercer alguno de los derechos antes mencionados, y
  4. Cualquier otro elemento o documento que facilite la localización de los datos personales.

Para las finalidades antes mencionadas, Usted, reconoce que al aceptar los términos de este aviso de privacidad y proporcionar todo o parte de los datos que se le recaban, (i) los proporciona de manera voluntaria, (ii) los datos que se le requieren pueden incluir datos personales financieros y/o patrimoniales, (iii) el Responsable puede recabar sus datos personales de distintas formas y utilizar dichos datos conforme a lo que aquí se establece, incluyendo, entre otros, para efectos de hacer una base de datos para el Responsable o transferir todo o parte de los datos a subsidiarias, filiales, controladoras y compañías que forman parte del grupo, así como a terceros que el Responsable considere conveniente, siempre que no se perjudique de forma alguna a Usted como titular de los mismos y siempre dentro de lo permitido por la Ley, así como de su reglamento y demás disposiciones aplicables. Asimismo, Usted autoriza al Responsable a transferir su información personal a terceros en los términos que fija la Ley y su Reglamento.

Nos reservamos el derecho de efectuar en cualquier momento modificaciones o actualizaciones al presente aviso de privacidad. En este supuesto, se anunciarán en esta página los cambios introducidos con razonable anticipación a su puesta en práctica.

Fecha de última actualización: 29 de Enero de 2019

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