15 Types of Marketing: Which one to use?

There are so many needs and wishes coming from consumers that it would be illogical to think that there is only one type of marketing that applies to everything.

For a company, or brand to grow, and captivate its customers is necessary to know that there are different types of marketing and you should invest in the appropriate technique according to the stage in which your business is.

Online marketing

Currently, it has increased its importance and every day is more used for being an excellent way of communication and sales. It’s the marketing applied to the internet, through different tools. For example Social networks and search engines.

This phenomenon has been applied since the 90s as a way of transferring offline marketing techniques to the digital universe.

Offline marketing

It’s composed by communication actions, focused and transmitted from more traditional media such as television, press, radio, billboards. They seek to increase the number of sales without using the Internet and they are still very important for many businesses.

Direct marketing

It’s focused on a specific audience by creating direct and personalized messages through information stored in a database. Some of the most used channels are emails, calls, SMS, and correspondence.

Indirect marketing

Also known as invisible marketing, it inserts subtle advertising messages into the content of television shows, movies, games, magazines, radios, events, and so on rather than simply displaying them as commercial ads.

It depends in many ways on the segment to which the brand is directed.

Resultado de imagen para marketing

Mass marketing

Production, distribution and massive promotion of a product or service, without having a market segmentation. It’s a strategy distributed in mass and tries to attract all types of buyers.

For example, The Coca-Cola brand doesn’t have such a specific segmentation but it uses a concept that most people have in common: Happiness.

Segment marketing

It consists of identifying a group that is characterized by their preferences, purchasing power, geographical location, attitudes, and similar buying habits.

Niche marketing

Let’s say that the niche is a segmentation of the segmentation, it means, it’s something more specific: a smaller group of people is identified, with even more similar characteristics.

The advantage in niche marketing is that companies enjoy less competition, approach their public and have less expense to execute their strategies.

Product marketing

Its main objective is to connect products and people, through different communication channels. In this strategy, the company identifies the right consumers for its product and simultaneously looks for ways to sell it convincingly to attract and win new customers.

Marketing of services

It shows the company’s value in the service area, positioning it as a provider of solutions to their needs. Use some of the traditional marketing practices adapted to services.

Faced with the traditional approach to marketing around products, service marketing is a recently developed area that has gained special importance due to the economic weight of these services.


A mixture of neuroscience and marketing whose main objective is to analyze consumer behavior with a brand, and then apply appropriate strategies for the consumer to buy a product or even become a loyal customer.

Social marketing

It intends to attract the attention of different users to promote (through different strategies) the acceptance, modification, rejection or abandonment of a specific topic related to issues of public health, transportation, work, education, housing, and nutrition.

The objective is to improve the welfare of both the person and society.

Environmental marketing

Oriented to the selling process of products and services, based on their benefits to the environment.

Its main objective is to improve the quality of people life taking care of the environment. It’s the strategy of linking the brand, product or service to an ecologically conscious image.

Promotional marketing

Seeks to generate a sale immediately. These are different actions that encourage a quick sale.

It’s about discounts and also gifts, free samples, among others that in addition to selling, contribute to customer loyalty.

Influential marketing

The practice of actions focused on people that influence potential buyers. The influencers interfere in the purchase decisions of the clients in favor of a certain brand.

Recommendation Marketing

It intends to take advantage of the loyalty to generate a positive voice over the company, based on the trust established with its customers, making them promoters of the brand.

Now you know, each type of marketing is focused on different objectives and audiences and each one brings something different to society. 

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Fecha de última actualización: 29 de Enero de 2019

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