Get ready to launch a new product

It’s very misfortunate when a person or company launch a product or service without having a general idea about it. It’s like taking a suitcase full of bills, throwing gasoline on it and then start a fire.

Nowadays with a so competitive market, the best recommendation is to be prepared and ready to stand out.

We suggest these strategies so your product will have great acceptance:

Test the product

It’s very important to test the product or service before it goes to market.
You can make a focus group or simply give it to the people in your market segment, so they can test it.

All this can help you to verify that the product, the business, and the audience is ready for its launch.
In addition, with all the opinions collected, you can make modifications or more strategic decisions in the marketing plan or another.


Launch plan


Once the product has been tested with a group of people, it’s important to have a launch plan where, in an orderly manner, many ideas can be established to guide the entrepreneur in the short and medium term in order to promote it correctly.

In this plan, you must specify what are the characteristics of the product, the price, the intended audience, where it will be sold, what kind of advertising will have and the sales estimate.

Some strategies that actually work (depending on the product) are the draws or pre-launch contests.

This is very useful for a product to start quickly, so it’s necessary to create expectation around its launch, starting weeks or even months before.

For example: offer your product exclusively to a few ones, in exchange for helping you spread the word about what is coming. It is important to have a system that goes viral as much as possible.


Organic visibility

That is, basically SEO. Having a website well positioned in the search engines is a great tool to have contact and where you can communicate the new product.

This makes things easier especially if you start from nothing.

In order to search marketing strategy works, it’s necessary to give users truly and useful information.

Focus especially on optimizing these three areas:

  • The keywords It’s about being empathetic and ask yourself: How would the consumer look for the product?
  • The meta description: This is the first text of a page in the search engines, so it has to be attractive and descriptive
  • The first paragraphs of the text: The goal is to make as clear as possible what the product is about and what it does in a short time for the user.


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Use remarketing

This is about guiding the user into conversion. Remarketing help you to reach the users who already know the brand or products related, because they have visited the website before or have seen similar products.

Consumers may be at different times during the purchase cycle, and they may not be ready to buy the product the first time they hear about it

But there’s no reason to forget them. What you should do is to get their information to have a closer relationship with them.


Create a recommendations system.


Word of mouth marketing doesn’t go out of style. It’s still the most traditional and most effective to publicize a product.

It’s known that when a customer likes a product, he or she shares it with some contacts, however, you can give a boost so that WOMM or buzz marketing starts working for your product and then more people will start talking about it.

Very simple: create an incentive system for recommendations.

Everyone wants to get free stuff, so you should offer a discount coupon or give free samples in exchange for bringing a certain number of friends. So and so until the chain becomes bigger.


The speed of the website


An effective trick is to make sure that your website is fast. More than the competition.

Nowadays that kind of detail are essential. Since there is nothing so desperate for users than a web page with a long time to load.

There are many things that can be done to improve the load times of  your web, but it’s always better to consult an expert.


Establish relationships with influencers

Influencers are the best friends of many people, and they have enough credibility and a loyal audience that follows their recommendations.

Which is something that should certainly be included in digital marketing strategies to work in favor of the new product.

To reach bloggers and influencers and let them talk about your brand, the most common strategies are to organize events, send them free samples or contact them by mail, telephone, or through other contacts to find out how much they ask for that advertising.

And remember that to avoid disasters, you must first investigate and make a list of influencers that fit the values of your brand or product.


Caring for customer service


Currently, consumers are accustomed to getting the whole experience and not only to the attributes of the product. In recent years, users have gotten used to been heard 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Customer service is one of the most important things a company can have, so it’s crucial to make good recruitment to get a proper selection of personnel and then train them, so they can be able to offer the customer experience that your brand deserves.

Following these strategies, you’ll achieve a great launch of your product and worry much less about failure.

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Aviso de Privacidad

ADN DIFERENTE S.A DE C.V., con domicilio en Colonia Montecristo calle 12 entre 5 Y 9 Mérida, Yucatán, México, reconocen la importancia del tratamiento legítimo, controlado e informado de los datos personales del Titular y, en particular ADN DIFERENTE S.A DE C.V., es la persona moral que representa a la marca comercial Endor, que recaba y conserva los datos personales que en este acto usted, como Titular, de manera voluntaria proporciona a efecto de que: (i) usted esté en posibilidad de celebrar un contrato con el Responsable y para efecto de cumplir con todas las obligaciones que de ahí se desprenden, (ii) procesar su alta como proveedor o cliente, modificarla o desbloquearla, (iii) realizar cotizaciones o solicitar facturas, (iv) llevar un control de contratos, (v) aprobar el alta, modificación, extensión, desbloqueo y cambio a las condiciones de pago, (vi) elaborar y revisar contratos. Los datos personales que obtengamos serán tratados de manera confidencial por el Responsable, y (vii) recibir información y contenido vía correo electrónico de su interés, como por ejemplo artículos, videos, newsletter, etc., en caso de que el Titular lo haya solicitado.

Los datos que se le recaban en este acto permanecerán en posesión del Responsable durante todo el tiempo que permanezca la relación comercial con usted como Proveedor o Cliente del Responsable y aún, hasta 5 años siguientes a la terminación de la misma por cualquier causa. Una vez concluido ese periodo, sus datos serán bloqueados y suprimidos sin que el Responsable conserve copia o registro de los mismos. Durante ese tiempo Usted puede pedir al Responsable mediante el envío de un correo electrónico a el tener Acceso y/o Rectificar, Cancelar u Oponerse al tratamiento que se les da a los mismos, mediante solicitud respecto de las cuales el Responsable se obliga a responder en los términos de la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares (“Ley”). El Responsable dará respuesta a sus solicitudes, siempre y cuando no se actualice alguna de las excepciones contenidas en la Ley, y el solicitante cumpla con los requisitos contenidos en el artículo 29 de la Ley que se describen a continuación:

  1. El nombre del titular y domicilio u otro medio para comunicarle la respuesta a su solicitud;
  2. Los documentos que acrediten la identidad o, en su caso, la representación legal del titular;
  3. La descripción clara y precisa de los datos personales respecto de los que se busca ejercer alguno de los derechos antes mencionados, y
  4. Cualquier otro elemento o documento que facilite la localización de los datos personales.

Para las finalidades antes mencionadas, Usted, reconoce que al aceptar los términos de este aviso de privacidad y proporcionar todo o parte de los datos que se le recaban, (i) los proporciona de manera voluntaria, (ii) los datos que se le requieren pueden incluir datos personales financieros y/o patrimoniales, (iii) el Responsable puede recabar sus datos personales de distintas formas y utilizar dichos datos conforme a lo que aquí se establece, incluyendo, entre otros, para efectos de hacer una base de datos para el Responsable o transferir todo o parte de los datos a subsidiarias, filiales, controladoras y compañías que forman parte del grupo, así como a terceros que el Responsable considere conveniente, siempre que no se perjudique de forma alguna a Usted como titular de los mismos y siempre dentro de lo permitido por la Ley, así como de su reglamento y demás disposiciones aplicables. Asimismo, Usted autoriza al Responsable a transferir su información personal a terceros en los términos que fija la Ley y su Reglamento.

Nos reservamos el derecho de efectuar en cualquier momento modificaciones o actualizaciones al presente aviso de privacidad. En este supuesto, se anunciarán en esta página los cambios introducidos con razonable anticipación a su puesta en práctica.

Fecha de última actualización: 29 de Enero de 2019

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